Sunday, May 18, 2008


my friend called me the other day, he told me that he is in a bit of a bind, he was having some problem with his supervisor... i asked him what is it? he is being asked t do administration work on a new software, a software that he is totally unaware of...

apparently the new software was introduced during the seminar that his supervisor attended and there were a few training modules that was discussed, and they need to evaluate if they can use it, his boss is recommending the software to the company and his boss wants to him check it out...

i told him to tell him the truth and avoid the consequences, his boss attended the seminar about the software and he should worry about it not him... i reminded him that honesty is the best policy and he should take other people's mesh... i hope he heed my advice...

quotes to live by:
Every morning I spend fifteen minutes filling my mind full of God, and so there’s no room left for worry thoughts. - Howard Chandler Christy


Yesha said...

oh, i worry too much. but that quote is quite inspiring. ^^

RAV Jr said...

Maybe it is easy for us to tell him to be honest, but it is really scary to face and tell the boss about his reluctance and fear... He has to protect his job...

Bloghopping po =)